Daily Archives: 26/07/2012

Imagine… just for Laura with Carlos Pena, part 1

Imagine… with Carlos Pena… just for Laura

“Excuse me, I’m so sorry.” You heard someone chuckle as they took a step back. You were walking into Starbucks, checking your texts when you collided with someone. You looked up, and were met with a pair of beautiful deep brown eyes. You couldn’t help but stare, speechless, for a second. “Umm, err, I’m sorry.” You said shyly as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. He stretched out his hand and introduced himself. “I’m Carlos.” He said. “I’m Laura,” you answered taking his hand, giving it a shake. “Umm, this may be a little forward, but would it be okay if I bought you a coffee?” he asked looking from the ground, to you, then back to the ground. “Sure!” You said as you cursed yourself wondering if sounded too eager. His lips curled into a smile, and he walked you up to the counter. You both placed your orders. After your many attempts at trying to pay, you finally allow him to pay. You both step out of line and go sit in a booth towards the back. Carlos was fidgeting a little. “Is anything wrong?” you questioned a hint of concern in your voice. His eyes met yours and a smiled formed on his lips, “No” he assured you. Read the rest of this entry